2011.06硕士毕业于山东大学药学院,2015.01博士毕业于德国海德堡大学,2015.03-2017.03在清华老员工物化工专业从事博士后研究工作,2017.04-2018.09在药明生物从事细胞培养与工艺开发工作。2018.09来校工作至今,目前主要从事多糖及多肽类药物的研发工作。发表学术论文20余篇,以一作或通讯作者发表的学术期刊包括Bioorg Chem, Carbohydr Polym, Acta Pharmacol Sin, Bioorg Med Chem, Thromb Haemost, Dyes Pigments,Glycoconj J, J Pept Sci等。获得国家自然青年科学基金项目1项,山东省基金1项,中国博士后基金1项。
1. Song M, Du S*, et al. Synthesis and structural optimization of oncolytic peptide LTX-315, [J] Bioorg Med Chem, 2024,107,117760.
2. Xu H, Du S*, et al. D-type peptides based fluorescent probes for “turn on” sensing of heparin, [J] Bioorg Chem, 2024, 147, 107356
3. Chi QN, Du S*, et al. Efficient synthesis and anticancer evaluation of spider toxin peptide LVTX-8-based analogues with enhanced stability, [J] Bioorg Chem, 2023, 134, 106451
4. Yin H, Du S*, et al. The hybrid oncolytic peptide NTP-385 potently inhibits adherent cancer cells by targeting the nucleus, [J] Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2023, 44, 201-210
5. Yin H, Du S*, et al. Hybrid peptide NTP-217 triggers ROS-mediated rapid necrosis in liver cancer cells by induction of mitochondrial leakage, [J] Front Oncol, 2023, 1028600
6. Du S*, Wang SN, et al. Significantly different fluorescent responses of two aggregation-induced emission probes to heparin, [J] Dyes Pigments, 2022, 207, 110767
7. Qi YK*, Du S*, et al. Discovery, synthesis, and optimization of teixobactin, a novel antibiotic without detectable bacterial resistance, [J] J Pept Sci, 2022, 24, e3428.
8. Jia SX, Du S*, et al. Binding ability of methylene blue with heparin dependent on its sulfate level rather than its sulfation location or basic saccharide structure, [J] Glycoconj J, 2021, 38(5): 551
9. Chen XT, Du S*, Qi YK*, et al. DIC/Oxyma based accelerated synthesis and oxidative folding studies of centipede toxin RhTx, [J] J Pept Sci, 2021, e3368
10. Yan YS#, Du S#, Yang J, et al. Discovery of enzymatically depolymerized heparins capable of treating Bleomycin-induced pulmonary injury and fibrosis in mice, [J] Carbohydr Polym, 2017, 174: 82-88
11. Du S, Krämer S, Harenberg J, et al. Chromogenic assays for measurement rivaroxaban from EDTA anticoagulated plasma samples, [J] Thromb Haemost. 2015, 113(5): 1149
12. Du S, Weiss C, Harenberg J, et al. Determination of dabigatran concentrations in patient plasma, serum and urine samples: comparison of six methods, [J] Clin Chem Lab Med, 2015, 53(8):1237
13. Du S, Harenberg J, Krämer S, et al. Measurement of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patient plasma using Heptest-STAT coagulation method, [J] Ther Drug Monit. 2015, 37(3):375
14. Qi YK, Si Y, Du S, et al. Recent advances in the chemical synthesis and semi-synthesis of poly-ubiquitin-based proteins and probes, [J] Sci China Chem, 2019 62: 299-312
15. Harenberg J, Du S, Weiss C, et al. Report of the Subcommittee on Control of Anticoagulation on the determination of the anticoagulant effects of apixaban: communication from the SSC of the ISTH, [J] J Thromb Haemost, 2014, 12: 801-804.
16. Harenberg J, Du S, Krämer S, et al. Novel Methods for Assessing Oral Direct Factor Xa and Thrombin Inhibitors: Use of Point-of-Care Testing and Urine Samples, [J] Semin Thromb Hemost 2013, 39: 66-71.
17. Harenberg J, Krämer S, Du S, et al. Concept of a point of care test to detect new oral anticoagulants in urine samples, [J] Thromb J 2013, 11: 15.
18. 杜姗姗,桑青,崔慧斐.低分子肝素分子量测定用对照品的研制[J], 药物分析杂志, 2012, 32 (11): 1976–1980.
19. 杜姗姗,崔慧斐.低分子肝素分子量测定方法[J], 药物分析杂志, 2011, 31(2): 402-408.
[1] 202101-202312,国自然青年科学基金项目,主持。
[2] 201907-202206,山东省自然科学博士基金,主持。
[3] 2016.01–2017.12,中国博士后基金,主持。