Ø 个人简介
工作职位:化学工程教研室 副教授 硕士生导师
Ø 论文代表作:
1. L.Y. Wang, Q.J. Guo, M.S. Lee, Recent advances in metal extraction improvement: mixture systems consisting of ionic liquid and molecular extractant. Separation and Purification technology, 2019, 210:. 292-303.
2. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, Development of a separation process for the selective extraction of Hf(IV) over Zr(IV) from sulfuric acid solutions by using D2EHPA. Hydrometallurgy, 2016,162: 12-17.
3. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, Separation of Zr and Hf from sulfuric acid solutions with amine-based extractants by solvent extraction. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 142: 83-89.
4. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, A review on the aqueous chemistry of Zr(IV) and Hf(IV) and their separation by solvent extraction. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 39: 1-9.
5. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, Separation of zirconium and hafnium from nitric acid solutions with LIX 63, PC 88A and their mixture by solvent extraction. Hydrometallurgy, 2014, 150: 153-160.
6. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, Recovery of Co(II) and Ni(II) from chloride leach solution of nickel laterite ore by solvent extraction with a mixture of Cyanex 301 and TBP. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 240: 345-350.
7. L.Y. Wang, M.S. Lee, Separation of Co(II) and Ni(II) from chloride leach solution of nickel laterite ore by solvent extraction with Cyanex 301. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2017,166:45-52.
8. L.Y. Wang, H.Y. Lee, M.S. Lee, Solvent extraction separation of Zr and Hf from nitric acid solutions by PC 88A and its mixture with other extractants. Metals and Materials International, 2015, 21(1): 166-172.
Ø 科研项目
[1] 2018.01-2020.12, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21706141,协同萃取支撑液膜从粉煤灰中分离回收镓及其传质机理研究,在研,项目负责人。
[2] 2018.03-2019.05, 中国博士后面上基金项目,2018M630764,支撑液膜中肟基协萃载体的设计及其强化镓传递性能研究,结题,项目负责人。
[3] 2017.09-2018.08,青岛市博士后研究人员应用研究项目,肟基协萃体系的设计及其从粉煤灰中分离回收镓的机理研究,结题,项目负责人。
[4] 2019.01.2020.12,省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题,2018-K40,肟基协萃体系从粉煤灰回收氧化铝工艺中联产提镓的应用基础研究,在研,项目负责人。